Originally Posted by spearfish25
Nice rims buddy. My TPMS took about 2 days to go off. Fortunately, the light is not annoying at all. It doesn't come up on the computer display. It's just a little lamp in the lower right below the fuel gauge. Since I didn't get the TPMS, I'm glad I don't have to disable the warning on the computer each time.
For the first time in a long time, I find myself saying "snow already damnit!" I want to try these babies out.
haha .. me too. I can't wait for the snow now! I will still put like a couple of sandbags in the trunk just to get even more traction.
My TPMS lights still hasn't went off

After how many (approx.) miles did yours go off?
Originally Posted by TonyBPD
AK, How many miles do you drive daily to and from work? I really want a set a winter wheels/tires but I live less than 2 miles from work so I can get a ride if its too bad to drive.
Tony, if that's the case, I would def just live with what you have. Just BE VERY careful driving in sleet or below freezing condition since your tires are summer tires. Other than that, you should be fine. You can spend the money on things like Exhaust or intake etc. I do not have a 2nd vehicle. If it snows, I have to take public transportation. So, for me it's a necessity. Also, it's a big chunk of money too (1700+). I would suggest NO to a winter setup for a 2 mile commute. Heck, you can even walk to work, TONY!
Originally Posted by Forrest
i keep thinking 18 inch wheels and keeping the same relative tire sizes that the 19's have. Your impression of just 6 pounds making a world of a difference makes me want 18's for normal driving evne more.
I def feel that it's lighter. I can use these rims as snow rims or track rims. That's why I choose these rims though some will say they are not the prettiest looking. For me, Performance > look -- any day of the week! Are you looking into OEM 18"? If I remember correctly, they are heavier than the RAYS lightweight 19", don't they?