Originally Posted by VABAM
I guess every one was busy.
No worries!
Amir, who recently got his 370Z showed up.
We talked shop for a little while and got out of there around 11:30.
Unfortunately I found something that the dealer f'd up on his new Z. 
I felt a little bad finding it.
At least it was found early on!
I'll let Amir share the details on the issue if he wants.
Nice meeting you Amir! 
Hope things go well with the dealer!
As VABAM mentioned the dealer used the wrong size screws to put on my license plate and now I have 2 small holes on my front bumper

, now I just cant stop thinking about it.

Im going to the dealer tomorrow to talk to them about it. Hope they are cooperative and not give me a hard time.
But it was nice meeting you VABAM.