Originally Posted by JARblue
It had 51K miles on it, so maybe more than slightly used. I certainly never had any problems with it. My understanding was it cannot stand up repeated hard launches. Since I don't do that, I wasn't expecting any problems. However, driving to remote areas of Texas with no cell service, I didn't want to risk failure, however it might happen. I would be interested in how many failed CSCs were due to o-ring failure vs plastic failure.
Did you post up pics somewhere? Let me know when you do and where they are 
I will probably post in Engine/Drivetrain this weekend. I've enjoyed it! It's all cleaned up and actually I saw no major wear, any scuffies or scratches to the ORing or the CSC body are due to my disassembly, getting the Circlip off and then getting the flared business end of the ORing back into the CSC barrel proved the most difficult.