Originally Posted by jaedub
Why are you making us go through the trouble and hassle? It's your job to take the matter into your own hand. We already waited over 3 months just to hear your excuses and load of bulls. I don't mind paying reasonable shipping expense but $300-$400 doesn't really sound so just. We helped you promote your FB page and we deserve the rightful return.
And I hope you realize that your reputation is on the line at one of the biggest 370z enthusiast website. Thousands are exposed to your unethical and unprofessional work habit as we speak (And I will make sure this thread explode). I can promise you that the cost of losing customers is A LOT greater than cost of shipping 4 very simple body pieces. There are times where business have to take a hit for the greater good in the future (although cost of making and shipping the lips is practically nothing to you guys).
Stop being cheap and take responsibility. I promise you we will put an ugly scar to your business if you don't take the correct action fast.
As mentioned to the lady the other day, even though you didn't win but we still offering the lip to you.

, if you decide o take or not upto you, sent you a pm with shipping details.
Guys we have pm the shipping quote to all and distribution of lip/vouchers is as below now
Winner contest 1: Mohammad Budhwani, (Quote sent for shipping)
Winner contest 2: Will Val (quote sent for shipping)
For other people our consolation prizes status:
Eric Maldonado (voucher delivered )
Will Val (voucher delivered)
Jason Ferrara (voucher delivered)
Terry Park (voucher delivered)
Dnt P.House (quote sent for shipping)
Kevin Jae (quote sent for shipping)
Lips will be shipped the way shipping is paid, and we appreciate if all is closed this week maximum by 5th of July. Shipping will be done by International Priority (only way to ship from here).
If anyone wants to pick the lip from USA dealer it can be done and explained in the pm again till 5th July.
We will be closing the thread after updating the tracking numbers or pickups when that will happen.
Thanks all.