Oil temp issues
I wanted to get feedback from all of you here in regards to oil temp issues on 370z. I own a 2010 370z Nismo and as the temperature has started to climb this summer, so has my car oil temp during daily driving. I'm not talking about pedal to the metal kind of stuff, just your normal highway/city driving. I work in downtown Chicago and my commute, on days I drive is about 35-40min sometimes an hour. During that time my car normally operates around 180-220 degrees. Recently it's been hovering around 230 degrees due to the warmer weather we've had.
I've read up on this and it seems I'm not the only one experiencing this with the 370. Majority of the people have turned to oil coolers (granted they live in warmer climate) to resolve this problem. My only concern is, because I live in Chicago, and it's only warm here for about 4 months outta the year, would it be wise to invest in a oil cooler kit? At the temps I'm experiencing, the car doesn't feel the same when I push her. It takes away the fun from driving her and majority of the time, I'm keeping an eye on the oil temp gauge.
I've read people telling one another that it's fine, these cars run hot and things like, if you're not tracking it then don't bother.
I just want to know what you all have experienced with your Z car and if something worked for you, I'm open for any feedback/advise you may have for me.
Ps - to the trolls on this forum, please don't come on this thread and ruin it.