Originally Posted by JWillis72
So what happened to the trans? I spent last weekend at Sebring with mine and it did great. We tuned the pressures for the Stillen Supercharger and it hasn't given me any trouble. Before the tune the shifts were slow and hard but thats all gone now that it's tuned.
I was 2 laps in at Homestead Miami when it starting slipping shifting from 3rd to 4th, then it started from 2nd to 3rd and also 4th to 5th, I was slipping on downshifts back to the garage and was told to take it to the tech, where I left it for a while. They called me in and he said his team looked at it and it was slipping bad outta the gate when they test drove it, checked the temps and they were high, then let it cool and tested it again, still slipped but not as bad. Thats when they explained everything about it not being meant for track use. Later on I slipped all the way home, a 2 hour drive. Traded it in with 3rd and 4th slipping quite often, even cool.
So my first hand experience was crappy, but it could have easily gone the other way I'm sure. Just like how some of these engine have to be replaced due to oil consumption, but most don't, but it still exists and people should know about it.