Originally Posted by Zless@arizona
Originally Posted by VCuomo
And just what are your qualifications?
I'll key a public telephone number on this site's PM, you call me, then I'll tell you. Or we can meet face to face. Unless you are a chemist with focus on petroleum refining, you are way out of your league. You want to play hardball? BRING IT!
Hmm....so what's the underlying logic here? That unless someone is an expert in a certain field, they're not entitled to question another individual's credentials in said field? Seems a little silly, don't you think? I mean, he's just asking what your qualifications are; he's not challenging them. Under your logic, if some guy expresses an opinion on, say, health care reform, nobody is entitled to ask him what his qualifications are unless they themselves work in the medical field with a focus on health care law. Or if some guy takes a position on troop levels in Afghanistan, nobody is entitled to inquire as to what his qualifications are unless they happen to be a West Point graduate with a degree in military strategy, right? Because you know, that would be completely uncalled for; it'd be playing hardball, in your words. It'd be grounds for a face to face throwdown!