Originally Posted by phunk
It remains factual that none of the most serious Z-cars to traverse pavement ever relied on them for anything at all.
Now with them in deep hibernation, everything that some of you thought only happened because of them, well... it will keep on happening... and eventually the rest will notice how entirely unnecessary they were the entire time. Its like a bad break-up... not everyone is ready to let go or believe it's happened.
BP and FI clotheslined them with turbo kits... All thats left now to sweep GTM under the rug is a decent SC kit and a bunch of refunds.
My sympathy to those of you care, or those of you they owe money to.
Well except for the 5 or so odd years that they were the only company really making a kit for for our cars, well actually two kits, and built motors before the parts were readily available. yeah if you don't count that.