Originally Posted by DCNISMO
If he signed a contract that stated the emissions were not modified on the Z then he voided the contract and liable. Sure the dealership should have checked. One should never sign a contract unless you read it. My last two cars I told them up front that I had high flow cats. If at trade he told them that he had text pipes they would not have taken it in as trade. A place in Va got busted a few years ago for violating the federal emissions act by selling cars with no cats. When it was time for a two year Va inspection people that bought catless cars ratted them out. Emissions are federal not a state issue.
Violating a contract does not void it, it puts you in breach of it.
The reasonable solution is the dealer should accept an estimate from the shop of the sellers choice and only charge that amount to fix the issue. I can understand, now that the dealer owns the car, that they can't allow the original seller to take the car anywhere for repair.