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Old 06-15-2014, 11:45 AM   #702 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by falconfixer View Post
No kidding!

Vote for the ban hammer and clean this muck up off the bottom of a shoe.
sounds like a mad bro that cant handle other peoples opinions. But w/e, its your right to think that way. So why take action when im outspoken and say things some people dont because they are too shy or dont want to ruin their pretend online reputation that doesn't even matter in life. Guess what, I most likely out of chance will never meet a single person on this forum. And from my experience of other Z owners has been pretty shitty. Most rev their engines, do a fly by, glare at you or brag like their car is somehow better than yours.... and its the same car. I resent my own mind for picking the 370 as one of my favorite cars as it tends to be owned by a bunch of ********. Would probably have better luck hanging out with all the own fart smelling/midlife crisis 50+ year old porche and corvette group. So I have one line for you "no balls"

Go back to posting selfies on social media hoping someone will give it a like to boost your own moral enough not to force quit life. The day im declined the right to my own opinions, especially by someone I cannot even see is the day hell freezes over. They aren't a privilege, they are a right. If you dont agree, you can say so, no need to be a self fulfilling dickbag about it.

Still stands though, people who buy things to please others are a waste of space. People who act a certain way to fool the masses "a facade" but think silently a different way are just as bad.

There are a few people on this forum I like, mainly the ones ive met IRL but DAMN some people can act like pricks when in a group, especially online. So dont be pissy pants if I give my opinion about something. If you dont like it, your entitled to your own but not to "attack"
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