Originally Posted by JARblue
Good morning from Austin, everyone!! Enjoy your Saturday
Got home last night. Had a nice dinner with my lovely wife, whom I missed greatly and will take with me to Vegas next time
Today we are heading to a ceremony where she gets to walk across a stage and receive her actual CPA license. She is excited and nervous at the same time  Nice lunch planned afterwards at La Condessa
Hopefully this afternoon, I'll get a chance to do one final adjustment on the Z1 CSCEK and an oil change. We got a friend in from NY that we will be going out with later. And tomorrow we have brunch and then celebrating Father's Day with at my parent's house. Any extra time I find will probably be spent at the office.

very much enjoying my Saturday so far

wash for Harry now on to ball park for team pics w the mini while hubby enjoys a ride on his bike to the local Harley shop.

for Mrs. Jar!! Well earned recognition. Smart wife you have right there!

hey!! How many smart wives do you guys have?
Dr. Mrs. Onzedge.
CPA Mrs. Jarblue
What else we got?