Hey all,
As the title suggests, if we cant tune vvel for more lift, why can't we alter the amount of lift that the control shaft 'thinks' its going to get.
I have read about the screw adjustment, but I imagine that will alter the lift at idle which we don't want.
So I wonder if someone with a bit of machining know how, can re-engineer the 'output cam'.
As you can see in the pic below, it seems that two 'output cams' are driven by one ' link b'.
So if we could make a replacement output cam / shoe piece (see pics) you could adjust the lift at any point.
If you left the profile of the shoe the same for the first half, lift up till that point would be unaltered.
But if you then changed the profile for the final part of the shoe, you could give more lift just at 'peak lift.
standard lift altered lift
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6.5
7 7.5
8 9
9 10
10 11
11 12.5
excuse my crap explanation, hopefully these equally crap pics will help.