Originally Posted by Rid3_FaM0uS
Knowing that my little disco potatoes will not make my power goals for this car I was sitting down looking over the forced performance upgrade order form and I thought to myself " theres got to be a more cost effective idea than this. 1500$ to upgrade two turbos is pretty steep,(not that I wont pay it if I have too because im not for cutting corners.) so I was doing a little "googling" to find out a couple of things 1. a GT2860rs and a GT2871 are the same turbo and 2 from what I can tell a GT2871 and a GT3071 are the same cartridge just larger compressor and wheel so I guess to get to the point here;
can anyone EDUCATEDLY CONFIRM that it is possible to convert my 2860 to a 3071?
actually a gt2871 is a gt2860 with an 11mm larger compressor, a gt3071 is a larger turbine with the 71mm compressor. so for you to go from gt2860 to gt3071 you would need completely new turbos but if you order them with the correct style housings they will fit.