i'll have to get a screenshot next time i hook up the laptop but my fans don't come on until 95*C (203*F) now.
I originally had them come on at 90*C but that temp was too easy to reach at most stop lights. Fans come on and flood the engine bay with hot air, heating up the intake components and IAT sensor and causing heatsoak.. which i have spent so much time trying to eliminate.
Heatsoaked IAT sensor causes throttle lag - it has immediate effects and is more noticeable than oil temp related lag (limp mode excluded).
95*C for me is a good compromise. Fans come on, and coolant temps drop 4-5*C within seconds. Conversely, with the fans coming on at 90*C, i didnt observe much temperature drop at all. Which leads me to believe the thermostat might be the cause.