i'm not blaming any one, and you are right the original timeline was a disaster, in the end you gotta do what you gotta do for you, I'm just stating what probably hapened. If the group buy had been for 50 people, at a higher price, with a mandatory deposit, and they had originaly said it would take a year longer than they did, these kits would probably be done by now.
Another option would have been to finance or plan to pay for the r&d entirely out of pocket the whole time, that way the the kits could have kept rolling along until the eventual release then they could have just brought it out at the full 8-10k price instead of taking a break on each one. I'm not blaming anyone I'm sure everyone involved thought this would go down differently, I just threw out a POSSIBLE way that this all happened.
If what I said was the case, then for those still in it you either can wait for them to finish it entirely out of pocket not knowing when that will be(who knows maybe it is almost done maybe it isn't) or you can refund and pull out and wait for either your bank to pay or for gtm to have enough regular buisness to cover it. I don't believe they are or were trying to screw anyone over, they were just banking on things not having as many delays as they did, it was simple over optimism that lead to the group buy funds that should have covered the r&d, production, and then some, being pulled out and taking funds from other projects. That isn't a ponzy scheme it's a risky yet potentially very profitable decision x bad luck x fault in execution. If they manage to get in a position to ship the kits it could still pay off, but all the **** that went down it will be a tough sell at first. At this point the most profitable option they have is to refund those who are still in, cancel the group buy and bring the kit to market at full price when they finish it and accept the blow to the company image and try to recover.
If they don't do that and decide to bring out at group buy price to those still in it maybe they can get some sales based on the price but it will still be a smaller number in which case they could recover more with a better margin due to the lower volume and canceling the group buy would still be the sensible choice.
Everyone wants jump on the ponzy/fraud wagon when there is a much easier and more plausible explanation for it all they had good intentions, took a risk, it isn't working out, and know it has turned into a bad decision in hindsight and all they can do is do WHATEVER they have to pull it off and try to keep from ending up homeless. If he had really wanted to screw you all over he would have taken ALL the money up front signed out on a custom products/non-refundable contract got past the initial 6 months, folded up shop and retired in the bahama's instead of going through what to him must seem like slowly cutting of a leg with a rusty butter knife for a year and a half.
Answers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $0.75
Answers (requiring thought) - - - - $1.25
Answers (correct) - - - - - - - - - - $12.50
Last edited by 1slow370; 06-10-2014 at 12:37 AM.