Originally Posted by fitxpert
I had my ECM replaced and still experienced the whine. Did a little further reading and did a little testing, and it turns out it's the THROTTLE BODIES. Here is how you can tell if the noise is coming from your throttle bodies or ECM.
- Pop your hood.
- Put the car in Neutral.
- Set ignition to ON.
- Roll your windows down.
- At this point...it should be silent.
- Now put the car into gear. I usually go with 2nd. You should hear the whine start right away.
- Now put your ear near each throttle body and confirm. I could hear each throttle body whining.
I had my service manager convinced it was the ECM...and it turns out that wasn't the problem. Here is a video of the noise. Car is in gear.
Throttle Body Whine
** UPDATE **
Throttle bodies are covered under my Extended Silver Warranty. He wanted to replace just one, and I pleaded with him to have both replaced (they are both whining). My friend, who is a certified tech says he sees drive by wire vehicles all the time and that it is unusual to hear this. The car has had a history of falling on her face during acceleration, so I'm asking the service advisor to also have the tech verify the brake switch is functioning properly.
On a side note...my clutch pedal got stuck to the floor the other day...so the recommended flush with GTR fluid is being performed...and I'll have to keep an eye on it and the fluid level...and bring it back in if it happens again. I really need to get rid of these gremlins in my car. The car is meticulously maintained...I can't believe it's falling apart like this.
Both throttle bodies were replaced, and the whining continues (these are actually louder
) At a local car show I asked other Z owners if theirs whined, and asked them to turn the ignition to ON without starting the car. Low and behold, they did the same thing. I'm guessing this is normal for the Z.