Originally Posted by DavidZ370
haha good luck man ive been a premium for a month now but its not even activated 0.o
Originally Posted by DavidZ370
I kinda gave up already lol, its just a few bucks who cares.
Originally Posted by Trips
 Hey Buddy! Looks like Ak got your issue resolved. 
Not entirely true
Well, that explains it. Prem isn't a few bucks, You mistakenly signed up for decals only.
That explains why your status never changed.
I guess so now you just need to send Ak your home address, and what type of decals you would like.
If you would like to enjoy the benefits of becoming a Prem member? Please signup as a Prem without decal of course.
Thank You.
David, you just got owned... Lol
An I was gonna say... My membership switched over immediately too