Thread: 2014 GTA Meets
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Old 05-29-2014, 08:09 AM   #484 (permalink)
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Boomer370 is just really niceBoomer370 is just really niceBoomer370 is just really niceBoomer370 is just really niceBoomer370 is just really nice

Anybody from the west end want to join our little convoy to the RESTYLEIT BBQ is more than welcome.

We are starting at the Tim Horton's on BRONTE in Oakville just south for the QEW, we're meeting around 945 - 10am.

From there we will be using the 403 to 401, stopping off at the Wild Goose Bar on Renforth and Eglington around 1020 - 1030am.

From there we will head out to the BBQ.
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