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Old 11-17-2009, 01:43 AM   #34 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by smurfblu13 View Post
I know what you mean, quick story time lol

I was at the beach doing some pretty slow go karts, well this stupid kid is in front of me trying to make me spin out. He keeps hitting his rear wheels into my front in hopes of doing what I do not know. Well I start to get irritated so I tell him if he does it one more time I was going to put him into a wall. Well the little guy tries again. I had enough, so I promptly dived down toward the infield and then ganked the wheel right at this kid, nailed his rear wheels. He spun and hit the wall HARD. Turns out I hurt him, oops lol. His dad then tried to fight me, I chalk it up as a win in my book. I kinda felt bad for hurting him though.
teaches him right for trying to take you out when he is in front!!!!
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