Originally Posted by Sensei Kreese
If you were a cop and you pulled over somebody you knew nothing about because his crap was in the back of his car would you want that person to be looking in the back of the car? A good place to store a gun or a weapon? Glove box he has visual of the driver reaching over to the side and time to discharge his weapon if need be.
What's the diff between that and rooting around in glove box, console etc. Just as likely to want to have that weapon handy up front eh?
Points are moot. Recognize that I have the highest regard for most officers. Officers do have a hard job, but they are human, and subject to mood swings based on what happens in life. That said, it really doesn't matter where he keeps his docs, the real issue is the response to and the, dare I say it, profiling the officer performed when he saw the minor infraction. Would the officer have stopped a mom in a minivan loaded with kids for doing the same? I would say the odds would be significantly reduced. It is about power and projection of the same. It is inherent in their training. Assuming a young driver, in a known performance car, slight infraction, perfect opportunity to project power and develop fear in that young driver to maybe make them think twice before crossing that double yellow line again.
Anyway, movin' on...