Originally Posted by MacCool
I know a lot of LEOs, true, and don't see this as a big issue. For every cop that doesn't want you rooting around in your rear hatch, there is one that doesn't want you rooting around in your glove compartment or reaching for your wallet in your back pocket, and several that would prefer you open the hatch so they can get a better look at the inside of the car and keep a closer eye on you with hands in plain sight. At any rate, it's an issue that affects only the OP, and not me or anyone else on this forum. Lot's of people do things differently than I do. I don't worry about it unless it somehow has the potential to cause me a problem.
yah, ive had cops ask for 'where's your front plate?' and i told him in the trunk. they were more than happy to go back there with me to open the trunk and see for themselves.
i was never cited for not having front plates on, but they did tell me i need to put it on.
after a while it got old and i just use them.