Originally Posted by Minsu
Ok this would make more sense if I didnt have papers, My papers in the back of the car, if the cop really wanted to me to get my papers I CAN, and I WILL. There is no problem there im not going to get a ticket for having my papers back there. Therefore there are no issues because I have all my papers. Does that address your concerns?
Simmer down Nancy. You can very well get a ticket for that. Do you think a cop is going to go let you start rooting around in the back? Do you think a cop is going to allow you to get out of the car and start searching around where he can't see your hands? He'll write you the ticket and you'll be able to get it dismissed in court. It'll waste your time. I give. Keep your stuff wherever you want. You've been allergic to logic, good sense and the ability to drive well your entire tenure here so I don't know why we would have expected anything else but concentrated dipshittery from a new Minsu post.