Originally Posted by Jordo!
For the money, no other car comes even close on performance and style.
Everything else going for less $ or that is in the ballpark is either a hot hatch, underpowered cone dodger's car, or a bloated pony/muscle car.
Everything that reflects an equal or greater performing sports coupe is significantly more expensive, and frequently not any more attractive.
So, for me, that's why the Z.
Absolutely this!
Originally Posted by grandpawmoses
Last year my wife told me if I gave up my motorcycle I could get any car I wanted. I agreed if I could get a Corvette.
My mother made me a very similar offer when I was in high school. But her list was far more restricted than your wife's. I loved my bike, but it didn't have a back seat

But she achieved her goal as I never even considered owning another bike.
Originally Posted by grandpawmoses
When I considered the Z, it's initial looks had me. Now I wanted a convertible but the coupe looked so good. (Here in Alabama you probably only get to comfortably ride with the top down four months a year and the convertible is an extra $4k+.)
Your definition of "comfortably" is much broader than mine. I would probably concede that there are only four months where you have an opportunity to ride comfortably.