Originally Posted by Dajerseyrat
You really are clueless aren't you? If you havent figured it out by now here is a run down. Back in the day GTM was the largest sponsor of MY350Z.COM, probably a super platinum package that cost $1200 per month or so.(Im just throwing a number out there I cant remember what it cost to sponsor the forums back then) Any negative press was immediately dealt with by the forum moderators, plenty of them were GTM customers at highly discounted rates at the time.I know this for a fact, I have seen it first hand. EVERYTHING and when I tell you EVERYTHING was censored, it truly was.
Had I been allowed to speak my mind back then after discovering the truth about Sam and GTM then a ton of people may have been saved a lot money and this thread would not exist.
The forums are owned mostly by Internet Brands and rely on sponsors and advertising, and are in it to make money. They dont care about the truth, never did and never will.
However if it does come out that GTM was committing fraud and the forums knew about it or were made aware of it and did nothing to stop it, they can be held liable civilly or criminally. Most likely in civil court.
Dude, nobody here is defending GTM. You're so far off the deep end that someone being rational comes across to you as defending Sam. And we were all doing just fine here bashing GTM and having a good old time and then you decided to come in here and make it about you. Here's the thing- nobody cares. I'm sure it was a kick in the nuts the Sam and one of your best friends somehow singlehandedly destroyed what was up until then a thriving successful shop

. Because that can happen. One parts supplier in cahoots with a former friend can ruin a business that was doing just fine until then

. You said you've moved on. Prove it. Move on. Moving on isn't joining a forum just to post about how Sam is a retard. News flash- We know. You're not helping anyone. Everything you have to say has been said better by people with far more credibilty than you, your out of business shop sob story and your 15 posts. Go back to wherever you were last week.