Thread: Why a Z
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Old 05-24-2014, 09:44 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by axmea? View Post
Warning: Driver appear more handsome than they really are.

That's why a Z.
LOL, well wifeys worried that the women at the gym I frequent and train with will ask me for a ride, but none have and I has hit on in this Z Forum by a guy so I may tint my windows..

Originally Posted by Elan View Post
After the 2005 TL, your choice in cars took a big plunge! Glad you got your ducks in a row and bought a Z. Good choice. You will love it!
Well the FJ being an ugly mobile served it's purpose while I was building my garage, it's towing capabilities were awesome, now one big misconception of the VW Beetle is that is a POS or a girls car but I really liked the torque, sunroof, the Fender sound system kicks the Bose and I could drive it like I stole it and get 30 mpg. Wifey drives a 2013 Jetta Hybrid SEL and for a hybrid it can move out of it's way and it's a more civilized car, but I agree Elan, looks wise both my last 2 cars failed in that department.
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