So since 2009 I've been wanting to own a Z, for many reasons I traded my 2005 TL for a 2010 FJ Cruiser and then to a 2013 VW Beetle Turbo, until a day after dinner wifey and I drove by a Nissan dealer and stopped by to check out the Frontier's. After a test drive on both vehicles I said to my wife this is the time. I know it can fly and can drift (lol did some drifting in the rain intentionally
) So this is now a happy guy who again will tell you that he bought the Z because of it's looks more than it's capabilities but nobody believes me. Even the cafeteria lady calls it a kids car and I must be going thru male menopause but seeing that she drives a beat up 2000 Camry I just agree and don't reply to ridicule her for her comment.
My leftover 2013 Gunmetal Touring/ Sports package, navy has already 400 miles (it had 8 when I bought it a few weeks ago) and has not seen 80 mph , well maybe once and seeing that I'm driving it like a little old lady I'm getting 24 mpg (gas used vs miles driven not the computer average).
So I ask you why a Z?..Thanks for reading and hope I didn't bore you
HEK aka Hector