So it's been too long, and this will not serve as my full review by any means, but I wanted to chime in with some quick feedback regarding my experience.
Tony @ F.I. and Seb @ Specialty-Z really came together to rescue my car from the GTM debacle. Ever since going to Fast Intention's shop and meeting Dan and Tony, and being an earlier customer of Fast Intentions for my exhaust, I have had the utmost confidence in their system design and integrity as a shop. I would have gone with his kit in the first place had I not have dropped my car off at GTM about a month before they announced. Regardless, Tony never stopped communicating with me during the time my car was away to see how the process was going, whether I needed anything, etc--just one enthusiast to another, no salesmanship.
My car wound up at Specialty Z because they work closely with Fast Intentions and have install experience, plus a great tuner, Seb. During my build time, I never went more than about 24 hours without hearing from either Tony or Seb (or sometimes both) about progress, getting pictures of progress, talking build strategy, etc. More importantly, when I got my car back about two weeks ago, everything was buttoned up and looking factory fresh. No rattles, no "oh about this", etc.
Since getting my car back, both Tony and Seb have stayed in touch, fielded questions, etc. The only reason I haven't written more is that I just haven't had much time to spend with the car yet. I plan to remedy that as soon as possible. Two race schools on the book for this year, and I am going to need to use all that teaching somewhere! Plus early plans to attend ZdayZ next year.
I also want to make a quick shout-out to Galeforce, who makes one hell of an a-pillar. Absolute OEM quality.
I can't wait to put my car through the paces more, and report back on overall experience. Right now I can say that it has lived up to the hype. It starts every time, idles like stock, and pulls like a raped ape when you get on it. I have only been running my 8 PSI setting to get used to the power and the car again, but even at that level, it's intense.
For better or worse, the power delivery feels smoother than I may have expected coming from some of my old cars. That is to say, I don't get that no-power to holy-**** power transition I got with my old STi, but I think that's in part because I am running low boost and in part because the system just works so well with the car. Power comes on very quick and very smoothly. I think that is attributable both to great mechanical system design as well as a great tune by Seb. The difference is, it feels like an OEM fast car, and not an aftermarket fast car. And with all of that said, breaking loose my fairly fresh tires at 60 MPH certainly wakes you up to the immense output of the system. It's outstanding.
Car Sold! Pleasure being a part of the Z community. 
New ride: 2015 GT-R - 647 WHP / 641 WTQ (e85) & 543 WHP / 519 WTQ (91)