Originally Posted by Zensation
Lol I know your stance brandon. I think u just know I'll be faste hahaha I kid I kid. But you hate mustangs with a passion. Just remember I'm no more a douchebag in a mustang than I am in my z. If I do the trade that's a big if still at this point.
Like I said, you might be part of that 1% but it doesn't make that other 99% any less retarded.
EDIT: Here's the real issue, true story from yesterday. So, my neighbor just got a new 13-14' GT(I frankly didn't care enough to ask the year) and bolted on something that sounds like a typical flow master exhaust yesterday afternoon. When I was driving to park my Z in my garage he rev'd it up and glared at me to exert his dominance...you know...since he now has the fastest car in the world and all. So I backed up, parked right next to him, got out non-aggressively, and asked politely "Did you need something man?" He then said "It looked like you wanted to race so I figured I'd let you hear it first." I responded with "You sir are the very reason Mustangs have such a bargain basement, redneck, shitty reputation and all decent Mustang owners everywhere are made to look like douche-bags because of people like you." I'm sure some Mustang owners are great, I even have a good friend that has 3 classic Mustangs and they are all really nice, but it's those kind of people that ruin it for everyone.