Originally Posted by grandpawmoses
The wife and I spent the weekend at a casino in Mississippi and we left early Sunday morning heading home. It was a great weekend cause we didn't lose a dime and got a free room, food, and show tickets. We stopped for breakfast at a fast food restaurant in a small town along the way home, a very small town. It was about 10 AM and we were the only customers. After getting the food & sitting down, my wife says that someone likes the car. Looking out the window, one of the cooks was outside walking around the Z. That's a big complement to me & I smile on the inside and finish eating. Now, I want a coffee refill and can't find any waitresses. Looking around, the restaurant is completely empty sans my wife and I. Out the window I see the entire restaurant staff is outside standing around the Z, some were even taking pictures with their camera phones. As we left we got bombarded with very nice comments. I now have had my fifteen minutes of fame.
btw, did you get your coffee refilled..??
did you pay the check or the restaurant forgot to give it to you?