Originally Posted by PedroVonSmith
Unfortunately, you are out of the money for now. Arrange for the kit to be sent to someone that you know and trust. Who can hold it until you return. Maybe while you are gone they can sell the kit for you. I bet you will take a loss but the world isn't fair I am sure as a future NCO you should understand that. You paid and it is frustrating but it sounds like you will have to take a loss. Freaking out a couple months before you're deployment doesn't help the cause throwing around rank and service only undermines the cause. My advise to you would be contact the BBB personally, have the reciepts and any emails ready and calmy file a complaint. Be professional, keep in contact with GTM, don't be a ****, don't throw around service or rank, remember you serve YOUR country. Civilians do not serve you. Small businesses don't always have the money to refund you instantaneously. (I have deployed many times, I lost 15k over a shitty deal while deployed. This problem hits me right in the feels bra! But I swear to god if I see another military member trying to exploit peoples patriotic feels for pity or discounts I am going to lose my mind.) -SSGT Skylar Smith
You're assuming that a kit will actually ship.

GTM is at the end of their death throws, It's corpse will be cold soon. It's a shame....such potential. I wish the best for their employees. I got lucky, but I called and b*tched frequently. Now I have other issues I'm trying to resolve.