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Old 05-15-2014, 03:23 PM   #2590 (permalink)
Kaminari Kuro
Base Member
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Sunny San Diego!
Posts: 67
Drives: '12 Fairlady Z Sport
Rep Power: 11
Kaminari Kuro is on a distinguished road

You know that phenomenon where when you get a car, suddenly you start seeing them everywhere? Before last month I rarely saw a 370z out and about. Now I see at least one (besides my own of course) a day.

Today heading North on the 15 in San Diego I caravaned with a new (still had the generic deal ship tag) black 2014 370z for 10 miles or so, and we even happened to get off at the same exit. I waved, but the driver was preoccupied, oh well. Maybe he's a future member? Anyhow, as soon as I reached my destination, there was another '13/'14 Z parked in the lot! Sightings everywhere lol, everywhere. One day I'm sure I'll see a fellow member...
<-Likes it LOUD! Lower photoshop skill than Kenchan *almost* Bone stock with a sticker 25mm Spacers/JWM 8K HID/JWM 8K LED/JDM FOG/JDM BADGE/CUSTOM EXHAUST/CUSTOM TABLET MOUNT/FULL SYN/ツヅク。。。
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