I have had EXTENSIVE dealings with the iPod interface in the 09 Z.
2009 370Z IPOD -> A2DP Bluetooth Unit
The Z's that are equipped with the 30 pin iPod adapter communicate with the audio system via UART communication with the following configuration:
- 19200bps
- 8 data bits
- 1 start/stop bit
- no flow control
The 30 pin connector has both UART and USB interfaces available. It appears that the new lightning connector only has USB support. The interesting thing, however, is that the protocol sent over the UART is the same for USB.
So theoretically, if the USB interface was converted into a UART interface with the above specs, the communication between the iPhone 5 and the 09Z iPod adapter would be possible.
What is needed is something like this:
that has adaption from USB to UART.
If there is interest in this kind of adaption, I can try to take a closer look and try some experiments.