Originally Posted by saber
Anybody have experience doing event photography, like in a club setting? I'm going in for a party and looking for any last minute advice. I've got my D7000, an SB-800 with a diffuser (not sure if this is really necessary), and I rented 17-55 f/2.8 and a 10.5 f/2.8 fisheye just to play around with. I didn't think my 18-200 was suitable for lower light environments.
In that environment, it may be easier to shoot manually if it's dark. Get your settings where they need to be and just keep shooting. The wide aperture lenses will help, but in a club setting it's hit or miss since the lighting is constantly shifting . You can only pump the ISO up before it gets really grainy and if you use strobes, it will pretty much overpower everything. It really depends on the look you're after so I'd try out a bunch of combos to see which ones you like.