Originally Posted by madaz
Thanks for the response. In the event that it's gear whine, what should be the proper course of action?
I don't know.
If we were talking about a Ford design four speed (AKA toploader) from the '60s, I would be in a better position to help.
The main sources of manual transmission whine that I can think of are:
* Gear noise. Check trans lube. Replace if needed. Try a different brand/weight fluid.
* Shifter vibration. Once again, I would be able to help if this were a much older car. The FSM would be a good place to start.
* Transmission mount (or other drivetrain mount): Usually a lower frequency "rumble" but might be worth taking a look at.
Those should apply to most geared, rotating equipment. Some of the members that are more familiar with the 6MT will probably have more specific advice/pointers.