Originally Posted by Chuck33079
Size 13EEE feet+boots= a complete inability for me to hit just the gas or brake pedal. 
12EE here. I am going to have to adjust my RJM clutch pedal a little higher than I originally thought. The toes of my boot keep hitting the upper arm part of the pedal assembly.
Originally Posted by Haboob
Originally Posted by Chuck33079
Isn't driving barefoot technically illegal in TX?

It is. I've even gotten out of a ticket for it before
( Click to show/hide )I was pulled over for speeding at a time when my driver side window didn't roll down (my old Ford Explorer 5MT). The cop had me get out of the car completely, and I totally forgot I was barefoot. He stopped mid-sentence and told me it was illegal to drive barefoot.
I had to explain to him that operating a clutch in sandals has gone bad for me before (sandal got stuck on the brake pedal). He said the law was to ensure that I don't hurt my foot stepping on something sharp in the floor board and panic hitting other pedals or not being able to use the pedal. I calmly pointed to my bare feet on black asphalt in the afternoon Texas sun (probably in the neighborhood of 120F at the time), and said, "If this isn't bothering my feet, stepping on a sharp pebble isn't going to bother me." He grinned sheepishly and agreed. I think it helped that I was able to show him a very clean driver side floor board.
I still got a speeding ticket, but he didn't write me up for being barefoot