Every once in a while, I encounter a jerka$$. The fun ones are when they manage to cut a bunch of people off behind you to get next to you at the front of the line at a stop light. I don't have any problem making eye contact with people and my windows are down 90% of the time, so it's an open opportunity for a lot of idiots. It seems most of the a$$hole drivers are too chickenshit to even look over because I will stare them down if I saw them driving incredibly rude or unsafe behind me
If they are stupid enough to rev to get my attention, I often rev back and look over at them with a big $hit-eating grin. I sometimes even squeal the tires a bit on the launch, but then I proceed in first gear at an incredibly leisurely pace. They go flying off and I'm no longer driving next to that idiot driver. Goal accomplished
The other scenario is the ones that don't make eye contact and then still try to gun it off the line. These are usually the idiots that make excessive lane changes cutting people off with no blinker. Occasionally I enjoy screwing with these a$$holes. I gauge my launch on theirs and just see if they are gonna try it. If they do, they often don't commit, whereas I redline 1st and 2nd gear and blow them away before skipping to 6th and setting cruise control at 60 mph (or exactly the speed limit). Invariably they come roaring up from behind at 20 mph over the speed limit and blow past me. Once again, I am no longer driving next to that particular idiot. Success!