Probably the fuse. Going by what Elan said, the fuse is in the IPDM (you can verify using the Owner's Manual or FSM) which is located next to the battery. You can find DIYs for removing the IPDM in some of the steering lock threads (see link in my sig). It can be a PITA to get out (especially the first time) but not all that bad. The biggest problems I had were getting the wiring bundle that goes into the bottom of the IPDM past the mounting bracket and getting the trim piece to fit the bottom of the windshield properly. For the former, I just stuck my hand in there and guided the bundle around the bracket (I'm a small guy, so you may not be able to do that; a stick might help). For the latter, I just cussed a few times and kept at it until I got it right.
If it's not the fuse, I'd start looking for a loose connector.
It's possible that both lamps/filaments are burnt out ... but rather unlikely.
Last edited by SouthArk370Z; 05-09-2014 at 09:23 AM.