Originally Posted by MacCool
Well, that two people with no problems. Sigs must be good to go then.... 
So because I decided to contribute my own personal experience of owning Sig firearms into the discussion, I am declaring there have never been issues with Sig?
EDIT: Btw, out of around 20 people I know that own Sig USA made firearms, one has had issues with his. And he got his switched to a new one with no issues, no hassle, no problems whatsoever.
These firearms include everything from P226 & 229, X-five & X-Six, their piston AR series etc. etc.
So, from what I personally gather, is that the minority that has had issues with their firearms are indeed a very vocal minority. I also guess you are probably going to hate me for saying I know about 200% more people that have had Glocks catastrophic failure on them and M&P's that won't feed anything.