Thanks Jordo, I somehow slipped past that thread, thinkg that it only had to do with the ignition timing part.
Now looking at it again, I am guessing that the table VVEL D could be related to the throttle position..
Originally Posted by Megan370z
There is 6 Map for the VVEL, each of them does something different and at looking at the graph we can finish by understanding a little bit more what does what ....
I am writing over those picture about MY opinion on it , I could be wrong or right. There hasn't been much info provided in the PRO email that Uprev sends their update. I am NOT an official PRO Tuner so its been a bit hard getting a bit more info on the subject other than their email update. Jared did respond when available though....
I haven't asked any specific details on those new available map since late last year (2013) So take what I write down with a gain of salt please.
Lets start with the first one.
VVEL Valve Clearance Limit
This graph look a lot to what I was logging when I had my VHR engine.
Depending how you setup your Cam Advance , I'm pretty sure this map could be setup quite more aggressively to act similar as a fixed cam.
On this map the VVEL is set low at mid-rev then open up at 4800
This map looks like a MAF Table but with the VVEL?
it does have to react very quickly at WOT or high RPM.
Which mean I might not be to far off !
VVEL Intake Phasing
Cam Advance is reduced while the VVEL opening up ! make sense....
