So I made a quick stop at the grocery store with my girlfriend yesterday and parked in the usual no man's land. Nothing terribly eventful happened at this point. I saw a regular customer from work on the way into the store and said hi. On the way out I noticed a small gathering of people around my car. One of them appeared to be taking pictures of the car. "Cool" I thought. "Yeah, my ride's hot". My girlfriend started rolling her eyes at this point. I also noticed what a crap-a** parking job I did. I was parked over like 4 spots. I don't remember parking THAT bad...
As I got closer I said hi to one of the guys around my car. "Is this your car?" the guy says. "Yep" I say all proud. Then the guy starts to tell me how he watched the car ROLLING from the original parking spot towards an embankment at the edge of the parking lot and ran over to hold it steady before it gained any real speed!!!
He said there are rocks under the tires holding it there now! I looked inside the car and found that I left it in neutral AND didn't put the parking break on!!! WTF!!!! I even put the parking break on when it is sitting on my flat garage floor...
So I'm at work today and that customer I saw yesterday on my way into the grocery store comes in and starts telling me this wild story about "...some nimrod in a supped up Nissan with mag wheel left his e-break off and..." I stopped him before he could continue..."I'M the nimrod with the Nissan..."