Originally Posted by Tazicon
You're alright for an "audiophile". Some of my friends just don't get it...........
Tell me about it.
I've heard so many funny things relating to digital signal cables, they would be enough to fill a thread.
Best one would be this one time though, where a certain up and coming young metal band named a certain Nordic opera-metal band that some here may have heard of as their reference as to what sound they were going for.
Later that night, we decided to connect the keyboardist's synth through an S/PDIF cable, and the guys didn't like my cables.
What was funny though, was that those exactly same cables, literally, probably that very same cable, was used in recording 3 of said reference band's albums. :P
Aaaanyway. I guess this topic has fulfilled it's role.
If there aren't any other things I should be aware of, I'm just going to go for the build and see what happens.
Thanks a bunch for the replies everyone!