Thread: 370z Vs. '10 GT
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Old 02-05-2009, 07:30 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NIZMOZ View Post
Umm like I said people are running faster times over the 370z as of this moment. The 370z weighs MORE than the 350z also due to all the safety extras they had to add.

A few of those low times were done on less than 500 miles on the HR motor.

Again, how can it be "much quicker" when all the 370z could do was match the NISMO 350Z 1/4 time and 1.5 mph faster (when the NISMO is slower in the 1/4 because of the down force the body kit produces)? That is not quicker that is the same. Put a HR 350Z vs a 370Z against each other and its going to be a dead heat.
every track, every weather condition and many other things affects the car's performance dramatically. Put two of those cars with similar miles next to each other and you will see what im talking about. People will do it soon and you will see.

Comparing 1/4 miles from one car to the other in two different times is like comparing dyno readings from one dyno to another at a different time.

Take a good sh!t for a week and that weight difference becomes 0.
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