Originally Posted by TopgunZ
I did and they all make the same sound level clicking noise. The tapping noise is constant and on the same beat as a single injector would be so if it were loud injectors then it would be a very fast rhythm as all would be going off. That's why it sounds cylinder specific.
Also, I didn't notice this when these same injectors were in my 350z.
I did put in an 8lb spring in the BOV instead of the 11 that came with the kit. Now it holds it fully open at idle. My reasoning being that on my 350 the 11 lb was too strong and I had stupid surge at anything besides full boost. But I think I have stronger vacuum on the 370.
Anyone getting the flutter sound at half boost on the original bov spring?
I wouldn't go in to boost on that map till it is tuned.
The slight flutter is normal.