today i got a ticket while i was at school.
I parked at the train station and then take the train to go to school.
since it is winter time. most ppl park their cars really badly. as in taking up space into the next parking spot and a chain reaction takes place where the next car parks even more into the next spot and then it just gets worse and worse, so i parked my car on one lane marking.........and the rest was on the side of a lane
there is enough space to drive by, it's not like i was blocking the way.
What am i suppose to do when the lot fills up, i can't park in someone's drive
here's my drawing, i am Car A and Car B is next to me
and here's a google map of the area.....
I still think it's ridiculous...
not to mention the train service is garbage...comes 30+ mins late....
for example, i left my class at 5:30 pm and caught the 5:25pm train
so how is this possible you ask.....well the 5:25pm train left at 6:20pm
it was so packed that we had to leave tons of ppl on the platform.... ppl were pushing each other to get in the train....over packed.
what do you think i should do??? I feel like contesting it
any advice??