finally got my lugs
these lugs are beauties.... definitely worth every penny in my book

never took so damn long installing lug nuts in my entire life a total of 1.5 hours carefully and meticulously putting them one by one greasing the inside as i put them on my z..... i went ahead and changed out the REVO caps to the color red REVO caps

id like to note that even if they are labeled red on the project kics site they are actually like a maroon or dark red... i was kinda surprised when i first opened them but it made sense that the hue of the darker red blends much better with the neo chrome burn finish rather than a straight up bright red color.... but i still love them

they look great on my WORK kiwami's

ill post a pic tomorrow with them on my rims... its already to dark to take pics tonight so ill take some tomorow