load resistor question
Well I'm sorry guys but once I try looking at these diagrams I just get so confused mind u I'm looking at this the first time :/
I am just gonna try to connect each resistor of each light to connect between the two wires that are at the socket cuz for that led bulb to work it needs a hot and a ground so if there is only 2 than it should b pretty safe to assume that those are the right ones no?
Also when is the car gonna switch back to normal blinking? Do I first have to finish with the res on all 4 lights(front and rear) or should each light go back to normal when I hooked up the res on lets say just front right for example
Oh and ya I know 1 for each light (does that mean I need one for each side marker too???) and they are 50w 6 Ohm that's supposedly what everyone is using for our cars
Edit: ok so what I did didn't work I went to the green-black with one end and to the black-yellow with the other end of the res. those are the 2 wires from the turnsignal socket but I only did the fronts so far
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Last edited by vrfreak; 04-24-2014 at 04:30 PM.