*Note: Edited the SOFLY. Upon rereading, factoring in my sickness and tired state, it's something that shouldn't have been posted. I'm sorry, it's just that that guy upset me with his idiocy. I've never seen somebody so dense. And it was as if one of his 10 year old friends switched all the letters on his keyboard and he has yet to figure it out. Anyway, enough of that...and G35guy84, sorry about that situation. Wish I was rich enough and lived in NY, I would buy them and give them back to you. I remember when my brother had a burnt orange Les Paul guitar stolen from him and then years later, while in a band with him, our guitarist bought the same guitar for REALLY cheap. My brother, to this day, insisted that that was his guitar...
Also, before I get into my intro, I just want to say that I am glad that your father is feeling better, AK370Z. Hope everything is good from here on out.
As for me, I am 31 (how did that number creep up on me so fast?

). I was never the guy who wanted to drive or step foot on a car lot. When I took my driver's ed class, I didn't do the driving portion until almost a year later, and that was only because if I didn't do it within a year, I would have to take the class again. My first car, when I graduated high school in '96 and was a gift from the family, was a '92 Nissan Sentra. I remember being so happy that night because, even if I didn't want to drive, I needed something to get to the local college. I drove that for a handful of years until I bought my mother's '96 Nissan Maxima off of her so she could get a new car, and that's the car I drive today. However, I did buy another car that I liked and that I will admit to having, though some of you might poke some fun..

...it was a '07 BMW Z4, with a standard tranny (my first one). I bought it a year later and it had about 13k miles on it, and got a good deal on it. I could drive it just fine, but honestly, with the way I drive to work, it just wasn't fun and soon I was driving my Maxima (auto) everyday.
So comes the summer (I am a teacher), and with a little more time, I do some car searching to replace my z4 with something that I want to drive. Well, locally, we have a dealer that has BMWs and Nissans on the same lot, so I went to go check them out. And it was then that I was introduced to the 370z. I had seen the 350z earlier, but the salespeople at the Nissan place turned me off (complete jerks), so I shelved that idea. Well, since my parents had bought a BMW from them and liked the person they worked with and I was going to possibly trade in my z4, I asked if I could deal with them and they said it was okay. Well, to sum up my story, I saw the Roadster pamphlet and decided that that would be my car. So I ordered it about a month and a half ago, and I should be getting it in the first week or two of December (though I see that a local dealer was advertising one in the paper just today for the first time). I got the 7AT, touring w/Nav. in Black Cherry.
Now, please forgive me. I am not a car enthusiast, as you can plainly see by me driving the 2 Nissans since '96. However, since I have ordered my car, I have a new found fondness and appreciation for cars. I ENJOY going to car dealerships now and read 3-4 car mags every month, plus I found this forum about a month ago and I have learned more here in that month than I had my previous 30 years of life. So I decided to introduce myself and start posting around because, even though I have a "girl car" (does that mean I'll get more girls??

), you all seem like a nice, helpful group.
Sorry for the rambling, it's just that sometimes, I can't stop....