Originally Posted by Chuck33079
I can't see any issue with 1. 2 looks a little off but is probably fine unless you see other evidence of it being repaired.
Number 1 image does not show up well via picture, basically the area marked has a very coarse clearcoat application. I am thinking perhaps this is where the robot ended or started the paint job perhaps, also a dust nib there for good measure LOL.
In picture 2, the tolerence for gap "C" according to the service manual online states if my memory recalls something about between 3mm to 7mm the gap can be. The only was I can tell to rememdy rear light is to adjust the assembly of the light unit as the bumper seems to be on almost perfectly according to the gaps to the rear wheel fenders on both sides.
If I were to loosen the light screws and move it inwards then the outer part would be off. The only way to find out for me is to get or borrow a paint thickness guage and see what the readings are.
Attached passanger side rear light seems to be fit well.