About mine 370z :drive about 1-2 day a week (~10 miles or less

) some times i leave it untouched for a week cause busy working. It is at 9k miles and i dont want to go above 10k in next 1 year

DSC_0755 by
dkinghl, on Flickr[/IMG]
Blue Cooling fluid: i do not flush and do not know how to, i just use turkey blaster to suk out as much old fluid as i can, then fill in new cooling fluid. Cost: 24$ for the blue bottle at NIssan dealer ship
Steering fluid: turkey blaster too .cost: 4$ (i cant believe the bottle was so cheap

Brake fluid: turkey blaster ?????? i heard somewhere that if you dont change brake fluid in proper way, air will enter the brake system and loose your brake ????? cost: ???? uncheck yet.
These topic about bleeding is too complicated for me, mostly because i dont have a garage and tools
How to Bleed Your Brake Fluid Using Motive Power Bleeder 0117 (AK370Z)
So are there any big differences ? I heard the original brake fluid for 370z from Nissan dealer ship is DOT 3, which is not really good compare to advanced DOT 4 or Dot 5.1. Motul..... can i mix them ?