Ok guys, Finally got time to do the final mount process, i was able to fab up brackets, from aluminum flats from hope depot, Cost was under 13 bucks, the original brackets that mount up to the outer part of your fenders can still be used. Ill have a full DIY up soon, i took pictures along the way. Note, the kit would fit perfect if there wasn't the fog/brake light. So if someone goes to the extra step, and completely removes this assembly. For me, i have a amuse kit, so putting the time and labour just isn't worth my time. This diffuser will be going on my amuse kit in 5 weeks or so, the foglight has been shaved off completely. Ill have pictures up down the road with the amuse kit. I should have pictures up of this one completely done by tomorrow night! But it works, and doesn't look to bad on the stock bumper.
Just wondering what you guys think about the vortex tubes this diffuser comes with, I'm not sure if ill use them.